Twisted-Wing Parasites (Strepsiptera)

Twisted-Wing Parasite? (Lower Vine Brook, 4/9/11 3pm) Unfortunately, I was trying to take a picture of the bee and couldn't get a good shot of the much more interesting insect until it was too late. It certainly looks like a twisted-wing parasite, but the quality of the picture is so bad that I can't be sure.

Xenos peckii (Lower Vine Brook, 8/24/16 3pm) I am pretty sure the one on the left (the two puparia on the right look empty) is a male twisted-wing parasite. The eyes look right. It must be just emerging (or still-born).

Xenos peckii? (Lower Vine Brook, 8/9/14 12pm) Again, I am not really sure these are twisted-wing parasites on the paper wasp. Despite the large parasite load, this wasp kept moving quickly and I couldn't get a really sharp photo.

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